Tasks of effective use of the uzbek language
This article discussesthe existing mother tongue education had become obsolete. The article talks abouttheoretical, educational and practical issues related to language and literature.Also the article emphasizesthe type of applied philological activity has been formed and is developing rapidly.

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1. Mirziyoyev Sh.“Speech at the ceremony dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the official status of the Uzbek language.”, Tashkent, 2019.
2. Karimov I. “Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence”, Tashkent "Uzbekistan", 2011.
3. Ahmad Muhammad Tursun.“The Book of Proverbs”, page 177, “Hilal Publishing House”, T: 2013.
4. Курбонов А.М. “Работа с молодежью в процессе глобализации”, Достижения науки и образования, 2018
5. http://library.ziyonet.uz/ru/book/119112 O'zbek tilini o'qitish metodikasi
2. Karimov I. “Uzbekistan on the threshold of independence”, Tashkent "Uzbekistan", 2011.
3. Ahmad Muhammad Tursun.“The Book of Proverbs”, page 177, “Hilal Publishing House”, T: 2013.
4. Курбонов А.М. “Работа с молодежью в процессе глобализации”, Достижения науки и образования, 2018
5. http://library.ziyonet.uz/ru/book/119112 O'zbek tilini o'qitish metodikasi