Этнолингвистика – этностық болмысты ұлттық тіл арқылы танып білу(Аймақтық лексика негізінде)
The article considers ethno – cultural vocabulary as the wealth of the Kazakh ethnic group, which has been inherited from century to Century, deeply imbued with valuable data of its culture. The national language is a very broad concept, and due to its historical development, it passes through complex and diverse transitions, it is not unified in its composition. In this article, we can see the main examples of the fact that the Kazakh national language is a monolithic language with a predominance of commonality, the unity of which, although local in nature, is a vast region, and even compatriots who, ironically, went to the extreme, freely understand each other. In this regard, local features of the Kazakh language are called Speech and are divided into groups of speech.

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