The use of examples of folklore in the description of the person
Oral national creativities are very important wealth which keep a history, language and tradition of society, nation, country and other. And lead people to choose a right way, show some cribs for the situations which seems so difficult and which are not clear. Additionally, they do our mind fast, understandable. In any situation people may trust and rely them.
This article discusses the importance of Uzbek and English proverbs in reflecting the national, cultural and mental characteristics of both nations and ethnicities.

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3. Jurayeva B.M., Tosheva D.A., Nurova Y.U. Mental features of proverbs. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (Issue 9), 2275-2281
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5. Xolmanova Z., Abdurahmanova M., Tosheva D.Comparative analyse of cases in the turkic languages. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal 10 (8), 382-401