So‘z birikmasi tibbiy terminlar tizimida
The article covers the use of vocabulary as a terminology in the field of Medicine and serves to form medical terms. The expression of medical terms in the form of a word combination and a specific type is analyzed on the basis of the theory of Uzbek substantial syntax. The specificity of speech to a particular field of speech in word combinations is evidenced by the medical [I~O] device formations.

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2. Nazarova S.A. LEXICAL UNITS OF MEDICAL SPHERE: PHRASES AND ITS TYPES. Сhinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, 2021, 39(13), 48-54.
3.Назарова С.А. Сўз бирикмаси синтаксиси субстанциал талқинда. –Т.: Фан, 2015. – 112 б.
4. Nazarova S.A., Xojiyeva M. Ismli birikmalar. – Globe Edit. ISBN:978-620-0-62332-4.2021.05.24.–132 b.
5.Ширинова Е.Т. Ўзбек тили банк-молия терминологияси: филол. фанлари ... фалсафа доктори (PhD)... диссертацияси. – Т., 2020. –152 б.