The problems of research on methods of foreign filology teaching with innovative approach
The independent work of students of all forms and types of educational activity. The purpose of independent work: expanding the scientific outlook, mastering methods of theoretical research, development of students independence of thinking. Student and graduater of a higher educational institution should not only acquire knowledge on the subject of the program, master the skills and abilities of using this knowledge, methods of research work, but also be able to independently aquire new scientific knowledge.

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4. Юлдашева Д. Профессиональные фразеология (Professional Phraseology). International conference on academic studies in philology (BICOASP) 26-28 September 2019 Bandırma
2. Pozdeeva E.K. About independent reading of students in a foreign language. Foreign languages at school. 1992. №4
3. Shcherbakova E.V. Independent work of Students as the most important component of the organization of educational process at the Univercity, Young scientists. 2010. №8 188-190
4. Юлдашева Д. Профессиональные фразеология (Professional Phraseology). International conference on academic studies in philology (BICOASP) 26-28 September 2019 Bandırma