Tibbiy pedagogik yo‘nalish talabalarida milliy an’analar asosida bag‘rikenglikni rivojlantirish
The article describes the content of the process aimed at developing tolerance in medical pedagogical students on the basis of national traditions, ie in the context of the society of Uzbekistan, each student is born in a cultural and national environment with many positive aspects. It is emphasized that the definition of the content of education based on the socio-cultural, religious, national experience and centuries-old civilization of the Uzbek people is important in terms of forming the concept of tolerance in students.

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1. Bag‘rikenglik tamoyillari deklaratsiyasi: YNESKO 1995-y. 16-noyabr, Parij, 1999.-15 b.
2.Inson huquqlari. Umumjahon deklaratsiyasiga sharhlar. T.: Adolat. 1999.
3.Islom va mazhablar.-T.: Ma'naviyat.2000.-27 b.
4.Islom ziyosi O‘zbegim siymosida.-T.: Toshkent Islom un-ti, 2001.- 240 b.
2.Inson huquqlari. Umumjahon deklaratsiyasiga sharhlar. T.: Adolat. 1999.
3.Islom va mazhablar.-T.: Ma'naviyat.2000.-27 b.
4.Islom ziyosi O‘zbegim siymosida.-T.: Toshkent Islom un-ti, 2001.- 240 b.