Every nation in the world, every single nation, other nations, unique masterpieces that enrich the spirituality created by nations, have not only benefited from the discoveries, but also contributed to the treasury of world culture. There are no languages, nations, countries that have developed in their shell without the influence of languages, nations, countries. The history of translation is as ancient as the history of language, the history of the nation, the history of the country.

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1. Gaybulla Salomov “Language and translator” “Fan” publishing house, Tashkent-1966
2. G.Salomov. Fundamentals of Translation Theory. Teacher publishing house, Tashkent 1983.
3. Raxmonkulovna. M.R. On the process of translation from English into Uzbek and its essence. International journal of discourse on innovation, integration and education Volume: 02 Issue: 02 | February 2021 page 297-300 ISSN: 2181-1067
4. G.Salomov "Literary Criticism and Literary Translation" "Science" Publishing House Tashkent -1983.
5. Xujayev. G. Literary Translation and National Color ”Collection of Proverbs, Problems of Translation Theory, Tashkent 1995.
6.Abdullayeva M.R. “National color in artistic translation (Uzbek language)”. Moscow Polytechnic University in South-Western State University (Russia). “Problems and perspective development of Russia: youth review in the future” October 17-18, 2018, Volume 2, pages 19-23
7. M.Kholbekov's article "Literary translation is today's demand", "Uzbekistan newspaper of literature and art", Tashkent-1993
8. Raxmonkulovna, A. M., Ilxomqizi, S. S., & Xaitbayevna, N. M. (2020). Principles of understanding a positive language in translation (in act of the agata Kristi works). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(4), 156-158.
9. Mухаммадиева Н.А. Заҳириддин Муҳаммад Бобур Мумтоз шоир, етук таржимон. O’zbekiston Respublikasi Milliy Gvardiyasi Harbiy-Texnik Instituti. Axborotnoma. Maxsus son. 2020.
2. G.Salomov. Fundamentals of Translation Theory. Teacher publishing house, Tashkent 1983.
3. Raxmonkulovna. M.R. On the process of translation from English into Uzbek and its essence. International journal of discourse on innovation, integration and education Volume: 02 Issue: 02 | February 2021 page 297-300 ISSN: 2181-1067
4. G.Salomov "Literary Criticism and Literary Translation" "Science" Publishing House Tashkent -1983.
5. Xujayev. G. Literary Translation and National Color ”Collection of Proverbs, Problems of Translation Theory, Tashkent 1995.
6.Abdullayeva M.R. “National color in artistic translation (Uzbek language)”. Moscow Polytechnic University in South-Western State University (Russia). “Problems and perspective development of Russia: youth review in the future” October 17-18, 2018, Volume 2, pages 19-23
7. M.Kholbekov's article "Literary translation is today's demand", "Uzbekistan newspaper of literature and art", Tashkent-1993
8. Raxmonkulovna, A. M., Ilxomqizi, S. S., & Xaitbayevna, N. M. (2020). Principles of understanding a positive language in translation (in act of the agata Kristi works). ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 10(4), 156-158.
9. Mухаммадиева Н.А. Заҳириддин Муҳаммад Бобур Мумтоз шоир, етук таржимон. O’zbekiston Respublikasi Milliy Gvardiyasi Harbiy-Texnik Instituti. Axborotnoma. Maxsus son. 2020.