The appeal is a linguistic phenomenon that is in the focus of attention of different areas of linguistics. Scientists describe appeal as an important component of speech etiquette. In the twentieth century in connection with the growing interest in the pragmatics of human speech, appeals began to be studied as special language units in the aspect of their functioning in the act of communication. Even though the sound interest in the study of treatment in linguistics, a number of specialists note the insufficient knowledge of this linguistic phenomenon.

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2. Akhmanova O.S. Slovar lingvisticheskikh terminov. Rezhim dostupa:
3. Balakay A.A. Etiketnyye obrashcheniya: funksionalno-semanticheskiye i leksikograficheskiye aspekty: avtoref. diss. ... kand. filol. nauk. – N., 2005.
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6. Gol'in V.Ye. Obrashcheniye: teoreticheskiye problemy. – Saratov, 1987.
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9. Kozhukhova L.V. Rechevoy akt obrashcheniya // Vestnik Stavropolskogo gosuniversiteta. Filologicheskiye nauki. – 2007. – № 48. – S. 80-85.
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