This paper explores how “lie” in our daily life is expressed and the purpose of using lie in our language so that we can provide the solution in the conflicts where “lie” could be involved, in order to make a conclusion based on scientific evidence, rather based on personal feelings and emotion. Everybody considers “lie” as a negative reaction while we all lie in one way or another, deliberately or none-deliberately in order to avoid some troubles or harassment. The science demonstrates that they are people who lie without even they can realize it by themselves. Sometimes, “lie” could take demagogic tendencies, often observed in politics. The study states that the conflict where “lie” is involved could be avoided if the linguists and psychologists are called upon as experts while in the daily life people accuse one another of not telling the truth on some matters, and especially at the court during the trial. For these reasons, the discussion tries to provide answers to the following research questions: (a) Can a linguist or psychologist provides relevant evidence in the conflicts where people do their best not to tell the truth? (b) Through which mechanism an expert in Linguistics or Psychology could use to come with a conclusion based on scientific evidence? (c) Is it possible to distinguish “lie” to the truth? In order to answer these research questions, the authors based their analysis on introspection and relative studies rather than a datum.

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